Should accommodation be required, there are 3 nearby hotels
located within 15 minutes of Pinecrest Cemetery.
These recommendations are made free from any benefit.
Holiday Inn Express Ottawa
2055 Robertson Road
Ottawa, ON K2H 5Y9
1-877-660-8550 (toll free)
Best Western Plus
1876 Robertson Road
Ottawa, ON K2H 5B8
1-866-214-1239 (toll free)
We are here to help and answer any of your questions.
Please reach us by sending us an email to info@colefuneralservices.com
Pinecrest Remembrance Services
2500 Baseline Rd
Ottawa, ON K2C 3H9
Telephone: (613) 829-3600
Fax: (613) 829-8357
Email: info@pinecrest-remembrance.com